Phil Manley

Position: Subcontractor

What does this mean?

I do remote research to ensure efficent case administration. I pinpoint current addresses and family connections. I research family trees to find the relevant living parties across the UK and occasionally the world. I produce letter ready reports for potential clients with legal connotations and requirements attached to them.

How long have you worked for FWL:

I started at FWL in April 2023.

Do you have a pet?

Yes, a dog called Bob. He’s a Staffie/Patterdale Mongrel.

What’s your favourite hobby or pass time?

Reading, researching, walking the dog and most sports.

What is your favourite sport?

Rugby, I used to play to a good standard.

What’s your favourite show?

I love a bit of Strictly.

What aspirations do you have?

Just to get through life without any hassles and getting along with people.