This month has thrown several challenges to individuals and the business alike. The fact that so many of you recognised this was evident in the variety of nominations we had. One person who has really supported her colleagues and the business with energy and empathy during this month has been Julie Stinchcombe.

Julie is new to the business and has taken her Business Support role seriously since she joined us. Whether travelling from Weston-Super-Mare for two, sometimes three, days a week over several weeks, staying away from home to ensure that she is able to support the office in person or being invaluable support for the rest of the week from home, Julie’s assistance and hard work has been invaluable and her attitude to just jump in and try is impressive. So, a big thank you to Julie from the whole team.

📣There are various other members of the team who we will also be recognising who have massively supported the business during our recent challenges. We will be sending these special thank-yous out separately.

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